Thursday, June 30, 2011

Technology in my daily life

It is hard to think of almost any aspect of my daily life without contemplating the technology that is involved.  It starts with the wakeup from my iPhone, the several little red dots telling me about all the things I need to do for the day, places I need to be, and the games in which it is my turn.  Next I am into my app so that I can figure out how my kids and I should dress for the day.  Since the wife is already at work by this time our first communication of the day is always over the iphone as well.

Several text conversations occur between the wife and I between the time I get up and the time I get to work.  From there it is time to log into my workplace provided ball and chain.  I then stand in front of my computer for 8 hours evaluating student progress in various online courses, processing withdrawals, and answering chats from academic advisors who need me to look at one thing or another about a student file.

At lunch I either read a book on my Kindle app or watch a show streaming from Netflix on my phone.

Lunch is over and it's back to the cube for a little more one on one time with my desktop computer.  The 5 o'clock whistle blows and I'm out the door and the conversations with my wife and kids over Facetime or the phone begin as we talk about how much we have missed one another and I get my list of things I must get a the store before coming home.

At the store my list is all on the iphone so I check the items off as they enter my cart and then check myself out (something that always takes twice as long as using an actual checkout person since the register always has an issue and the clerk always has to come fix it).

Back in the car and headed home I get to finally see my family and we spend some quality time together before the kids are off to bed and I am chaining myself to my own desktop at home as I work towards my goal of a graduate degree. 

Before bed it's back tothe red circles with numbers in them just to make sure there are no tasks left undone and no crops left unharvested.  Set the alarm and it's a solid 6 hours until it all happens again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aaron,

    Thanks for the vivid description of the various tools you use throughout the day. Sounds like me. I know that I feel totally cut off from civilization if I don't have my iPhone or iPad with me. I don't even have to be using them. Just the fact that I know I am connected is all I need to know.

    One of the best parts about going to the ISTE conference last week was using my iPad to an even greater extent than I have before. So many cool apps that are available, as well as the little jewels Apple has built into the iPad itself.

    I hope you are able to at least mentally escape your cubicle throughout the day! At least smell the virtual roses once in awhile!

