Thursday, June 9, 2011

Web-based resources

Amazingly enough I never really give much thought to the site I visit on a regular basis, they just sort of integrate into my life.  For educational purposes I am a big fan of , this is a site I typically enter through the Liberty research portal and they have a nice selection of up to date articles on all things Ed Tech.  I am also an advocate of , this is a great site for "learning just about anything".  Finally I do use more than any other website out there as this is my place of business and most of the information I need can be found there.

For my own personal use I visit my local newspaper at daily in order to find out what's going on around me locally. is a great little site to visit for Photoshop fonts for all my amateur Photoshop projects.  Of course I visit my FB page a few times a day.

For overall living my wife and I couldn't get by without and  I can't think of a day that we don't use those two.


  1. Hi Aaron,

    Thanks for sharing some of your favorite sites. The story of how the Khan Academy was started is a great illustration of the power of the Internet and connecting a global audience of users. I think that is one of the main things I love about the internet: being able to solve a problem, learn and research what others are saying about a topic or product, and finding others who have a similar interest as I do.

    I have been using this week since I will be traveling to Orlando on Saturday for a conference I am attending next week.

    Your collection of sites mentioned here are very specific for particular tasks. Is that the way you work online, or do you like to browse at all?


  2. Ah yes, I forgot for my post. I probably could have used several other food sites as well.

    I used to frequent, and even had the desktop app for a while, but there's a DC area blog that is much more accurate so I don't use it at all anymore.

    I'm going to have to take some time and play around with Khan Academy. I haven't seen it before but it looks interesting.
